
Expertise in the field of Communications

Expertise is defined by having the skill or knowledge in a particular field to be able to come to conclusions that can be referred to, be cited as a source and to obtain the ethos aspect of rhetoric within the field. In this section of the Communications field, we can bring together both aspects of information and knowledge to form the conclusion: Expertise in the Communications field comes from those who can take information and create it into knowledge. Expertise in our field very much looks at those who have the credibility, resources and information to create new knowledge in the Communications field that can be implemented in institutions and catalyst change in our society. Expertise can come in the form of new programs for learning, new methods of communication and assert themselves in sub-fields under the Communications umbrella.

Discourse Communities in Communications 

There are various discourse communities in Communication that involve the team work of a network – for instance, in Public Relations, a representative speaks on behalf of a company and or client in order to communicate goals, intentions and ideas affectively in thoughtful correspondence with a particular audience. The discourse community in Mass Media studies involves a great deal of individual and team brainstorming, analyzing the ways in which communication affects and manipulates audiences and in which ways could a goal be attained most effectively. This also intersects with digital marketing and advertising. The people in these areas of expertise work in teams and among their peers. Discourse communities in communication involves communication, interaction and involvement of teams and idea sharing. Project management also involves a good understanding of communications and how we can utilize it to construct beneficial realities.

Click here to watch a video on how Communications affects project management in these fields: Creating a Communications Plan


Other forms of discourse communities are academic based, wherein authors and scholars of Communications (whether it be Gender, Interpersonal, Organizational, etc.,) discuss theories, advocate change and write texts on their studies. These discourse communities communicate through academic means, inviting each other to speak in one another’s classes as areas of Communication often intertwine with one another. The members of the academic discourse community in Communications also cite each other’s works, edit each other’s works and collaborate with one another on studies and texts.

Expertise is exemplified by persons within the discipline who can effectively write for a wide range of audiences, can navigate through conflict, apply analytical skills and conduct meaningful research (Noronha, 154). Expertise is the means to which knowledge in the discipline of Communications is produced.